What is ADHD in adults?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; formerly known as ADD) starts as a childhood condition that becomes more manageable over time. However for some, ADHD symptoms may persist throughout adulthood and limit your ability to maximize your potential in college, work, and personal life. Symptoms may include:

  • Not being able to keep focus or sustain attention.

  • Acting impulsively without any thought.

  • Being disorganized and having challenges with managing tasks.

  • Being forgetful in daily activities and often misplacing items.

  • Having difficulty starting and finishing tasks as well as with time management.

What is the most effective treatment for ADHD ?

Treatment for ADHD may include medications, but at times, this may simply not be enough. A combination of medications, education, and therapy may be the most effective treatment.

I provide therapy to teach you long lasting skills to manage ADHD symptoms which can be used for the rest of your life. This may include:

  • Implementing structure in your life.

  • Teaching you specific strategies to maximize executive functioning skills such as planning, organizing, and working memory.

  • Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to regulate emotions, learn problem solving skills, and increase your ability to think flexibly.

  • Teaching you Mindfulness techniques to slow down your thinking and increase awareness to the present moment, which may improve your ability to control your attention.

I specialize in neuropsychology and have spent years guiding individuals to maximize their executive functioning skills. Not only can I provide the tools to help manage your ADHD symptoms, but I will also hold you accountable to actively use these skills in your day-to-day life.

I will personally guide you through our sessions to manage your ADHD symptoms, and to meet your specific goals in school and or work.