Can you improve your memory?

  • Did you miss your doctor’s appointment that you waited months for?

  • Misplaced your wallet and keys for the 5th time this week?

  • Are you forgetting conversations you had with your partner?

  • Did you forget to pay your phone bill?

 The time to address these things is NOW – NOT when you have a diagnosis of dementia.

Memory loss may be due to a number of things including mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, sleep problems, pain, traumatic brain injury, and or untreated health conditions. Memory loss can also simply be a result of age-related changes.

We have a whole person approach to treatments, focusing on both the brain and body to help with memory problems. After a comprehensive evaluation, which is completed at the first visit, I tailor an individualized treatment plan for you to help you improve your memory. This may include:

  • Teaching you practical compensatory techniques intended to work around memory difficulties.

  • Training your brain to keep organized and using structure to develop daily routines/habits.

  • Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to regulate emotions, identify negative “thinking traps,” and learn problem solving skills.

  • Addressing lifestyle changes such as encouraging exercise, and improving nutrition.

As a neuropsychologist, I can personally guide you through recommendations to not only to improve memory overall, but also address risk factors that may delay or even reduce the risk of dementia. I have an understanding of brain behavior relationships as well as the aging brain, and can help you implement these strategies to improve your memory and thinking skills.