Having memory loss can make you feel frustrated, helpless, and self-conscious.

Memory Gains can help.

Dr. Sahra Kim is passionate about empowering adults facing memory and other cognitive challenges and providing them with the tools through therapy so they can regain control of their lives.

Therapy for you Brain and Body.

Whether you experience depression, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, age-related memory problems, adult ADHD/ADD, mild cognitive impairment or traumatic brain injury - they all have consequences to our ability to think and as a result our day to day lives. Starting with a comprehensive evaluation, Sahra Kim Psy.D. will provide a specialized plan for targeted treatment.

My Therapy Approach

My first goal is to ensure you feel supported, validated, and provide a safe space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings without judgment. My therapeutic approach is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which is structured, goal-oriented, and collaborative.

Through compassionate discussions and practical exercises, CBT helps you build a toolbox of strategies to navigate challenges more effectively. It’s not just about talking—it’s about learning, practicing, and gradually transforming how you think and respond to life’s ups and downs.
